
(24) 学習型機械翻訳手法GA-ILMTにおける翻訳遷移ネットワークに基づく翻訳ルールの自動階層化の有効性について
         北海学園大学工学部研究報告,第29号, pp.271-291,2002-2


 We previously proposed a method of machine translation using inductive learning with genetic algorithms(GA-ILMT) based on learning capability. Without any analytical knowledge, GA-ILMT acquires translation rules from only given translation examples and uses these rules to translate. In the present paper, we propose a method that performs translation by recognizing the structure of whole sentences without any language-dependent knowledge. In this new method, GA-ILMT layers multiple translation rules to formulate a translation rule that represents the basic structure of the whole sentence by automatically generating a translation transition network(TTN) constructed from multiple translation rules.