
(18) ICAとダイポール解析によるsingle-trial EEG-based BCIの基礎的検討
   (平成18年11月17日〜19日 鹿児島かごしま県民交流センター),pp263-264,2006-11

 In order to develop a new brain-computer interface (BCI) using EEG, independent component analysis (ICA) and then dipole analysis were applied to scalp-recorded single-trial EEG during movement imagery (MI). Up to the 20th independent component (IC), each of them contained one or two positive (or negative) peaks, and these peaks were analyzed by 1- or 2-dipole source localization method. Some of the obtained dipoles were localized to contralateral motor and premotor cortices in addition to ipsilateral ones. The ratios of the right to left dipoles was significantly different between right- and left-handed MI tasks for one right-handed male subject, contrary to the results of Qin et al. (2004).