
(11) 3D VR空間認識における脳内情報処理機構-両眼立体視刺激に対する事象関連電位による検討-
        電子情報通信学会技術研究報告講演論文集 MBE 2001-27,pp.61-67,2001-6

 We recorded evoked-relation potential (ERP) to random-dot stereogram (RDS) by the electroencephalogram (EEG) and investigated the peak latency of the wave form nearly P300 and the response position in the brain on that occasion by the dipole estimation. We prepared three type RDSs by binocular disparity, those are middle, large and no disparity. Subjects that attached liquid crystal grass (LCG) and put on a cap for recording brain wave are given a task: push A button if the subjects percepted stimulus as 3D or push B button if not so. we especially took notice of the differential wave between middle, large disparity and no disparity. As a result, the dipole electric current was generated in MT field at peak latency of the differential wave nearly before P300. On the other hand this current was generated in parietal lobe nearly after P300.