
(16) 両眼立体刺激における事象関連電位 -等価電流双極子解析による検討-
      北海学園大学大学院紀要工学研究,第1号, pp.111-116,2001-9

 The authors recorded event-related potential (ERP) on random-dot stereogram (RDS) by the electroencephalogram (EEG). Latencies of peaks in the EEG near P300 were investigated and response positions in the brain were detected by the dipole estimation. RDSs were prepared in three types of binocular disparity. They are middle, large and no disparity. Subjects, worn liquid crystal glasses (LCG) and put on a cap for recording EEG, were given a task to push the button A when they perceived stimulus as 3-D, and push the button B when they perceived as flat. Especially, we investigated differential EEGs between middle or large disparity and no disparity. It is confirmed that the dipole electric current sources near P300 was generated in the MT field at a peak of the differential wave. On the other hand, other sources after P300 were observed in the parietal lobe. Further this fact was confirmed also in the grand average.