
(6) Characteristic eye movement and gaze in Alzheimer disease during visuospatial sequential working memory task.
¡¡¡¡13th European Conference on Eye Movements, PC-208, 2005-8

In AIzheimer's Disease(AD), working memory deficit is observed at early stage, and in this study visuospatial sequential working memory of AD is tested by our new developed computer soft using touch-panel display. We studied how to get visual information and use it for doing performance by recoding eye movement. lt helps us to understand AD working memory deficit and the point of therapy for AD patients. We used EMR-8(NAC image Technology lnc.) to record the eye movement and gaze of them and age-matched controls when they performed the touch-panel computer task which was to touch the colored cell(3-6 divided) in the same order as it colored on the touch-Panel screen. AD patient's eye movements were less during cells colored and his gaze was fixed on the screen point. When he touched the cell, his gaze located out of the right cell, and his gaze time prolonged more and his eye movements were less than the control. It suggested that AD patient working memory deficit was influenced not only his memory loss but also his disorganized gaze control.