
(7)向きを表す単語と記号に対する脳内活動の比較 −EEGによる研究−
  第20回生体・生理工学シンポジウム論文集,pp.91-92, 2005-9

Different types of fuzzy extensions to the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) have been proposed, using fuzzy measures or fuzzy sets. One of the most natural uses of fuzzy sets is to employ a reciprocal matrix with fuzzy-valued entries. Indeed, using classical AHP, there is often not enough consistency among the data due to strong conditions bearing on the reciprocal data matrices. Fuzzy reciprocal matrices give us flexible specifications of pairwise preference. This paper presents an approach to using a fuzzy reciprocal matrix in AHP, as a way of specifying fuzzy restrictions on the possible values of the ratio judgments. Then, it can be computed to what extent there exists a consistent standard AHP matrix which is compatible with these restrictions. An optimal consistency index and optimal weights are derived using a fuzzy constraint satisfaction approach.