TOP 活動実績 2008年

(28) 手ジェスチャを用いた移動ロボットの直感的動作指示インタフェース(第2報)

深谷健一, 渡部敦, 佐藤俊輔, 斉藤大起
工学研究(北海学園大学大学院工学研究科紀要), 第8号, pp.41-46, 2008-9

We developed the intuitive manipulation apparatus by which a mobile robot moves by hand gesture of an operator. Static and dynamic acceleration and rotational velocity derived from declination, swing and rotation of hand are measured by acceleration sensors and the gyro sensor. Data of sensors are analyzed by H8/3052F micro computer attached to the apparatus. The hand gesture type judged is sent to a mobile robot and the robot acts according to its gesture type with announcing its manipulation. Experiment shows the feasibility of intuitive hand gesture manipulation to a mobile robot.